I sat down with my kids this evening to play Fruit Ninja on the Xbox which is a fun, every couple of months event. While they were playing I found that for some reason the sensor kept aiming above their heads. I figured that maybe the Kinect needed to be calibrated so I went to the appropriate settings area and selected Calibrate. Of course, one of the first questions it asks you is, do you have your Kinect calibration card. Dang it! I’ve been asked this question before and the answer is always, no. However as luck would have it, this particular night, I had borrowed a game from a friend and inside it was a calibration card. I realized at that instant that I needed to figure out how to make this card available to the general public. I found various iterations of the card online, but not in a nice clean PDF format, and not in a format that would give you the true dimensions of the card.

Kinect Calibration Card

Thumbnail of Kinect Calibration Card


After wasting an hour of my night with my scanner and Adobe Illustrator (yea, I’m not very good at it yet), I finally came up with a Kinect calibration card PDF and Adobe Illustrator file that anyone can print. If you’re looking for the actual size with exact dimension printout, the Adobe Illustrator is the one to download and print. Including the white space around the black rectangle, the exact size should be 4.5″ x 7″. Printing it from Illustrator, I got an exact match. Printing from PDF will yield slightly varying results, but should produce the same effect. I recommend printing it from a laser printer if you can. As usual, if this Kinect calibration card print helped you out, leave a comment to let me know I didn’t waste my time!