HPN Serial Port Driver Download

So I’m in this awesome new restaurant in LA and working on their network and realize after I’m almost done that I hadn’t put an IP address on their HP Procurve 2530-24G switch. I didn’t bring my tool bag and I don’t have my USB to Serial...

vSphere Client Downloads

I’ve never been sure why VMware makes it so hard to download the vSphere client, but I needed it recently for writing my article on installing the vSphere 5.5 client on a domain controller. To reproduce the error to get a screenshot, I needed a copy of the...

Configuration Denied by Athena Management

It’s always an interesting experience for me when I come across an error message that, when Googled for, returns 0 results. I recently had this experience when working with a new Aruba RAP 108/109 access point. I logged into the interface and tried to change...